Monday, 21 January 2008

Learn Moodle

This intensive one day course aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to the administrative functions of a Moodle site.

Participants will learn how to adapt the layout of a Moodle site, how to manage users (including authentication, enrolments, course groups and the roles system), back up an entire site and individual courses. In addition, participants wll explore many of the features which impact on the experience of tutors and learners.

Who should attend?

- Individuals responsible for the day to day administration of a Moodle site
- Those who need to understand Moodle from a more strategic perspective


The course covers the principal areas required to successfully administer the layout, modules, blocks and users on a Moodle site.


The course is arranged into sections as follows:

- Site layout
- Customising the interface terminology
- Installed theme options
- Module, block and filter options
- Calendar options
- HTML editor options
- Adding and editing user accounts
- Manual and Email authentication
- Manual enrolments
- The roles system
- Site / Course back up

You can enquire regarding Moodle Training by following the link below and filling in the form:

1 comment:

net-buoy said...

Would this course include locking down or hardening a Moodle to avoid profile spam, or do you do this for your clients?