Case Study: The Three Valleys Partnership
The Three Valleys Partnership is a group of 5 schools in the Keighley and Ilkley areas who work in confederation with Park Lane College, Keighley in delivering a 14-19 programme for local students.Gareth Chapman, deputy headteacher at Greenhead High School, contacted WebAnywhere looking for a solution to some of the administrative problems associated with having students from all institutions attending different lessons at different sites.
The temporary solution which the schools then had in place involved taking a paper copy of the register at one site, and then transporting it by car to the ‘home school’ of the pupils concerned so it could be entered into the system. Not only was this time-consuming, but it was unsatisfactory in terms of data reliability and security.
Webanywhere agreed to provide the schools with a web-based Management Information system designed in-house called ‘SchoolMi’®.
Using SchoolMi a teacher could now take a class register online, using a laptop in the classroom. The attendance data would then be immediately available to the attendance and other administration staff in the offices of the ‘home schools’ of all the students in the class.
In addition, any comment the teacher wishes to make about a student’s performance, whether praise or concern, can be appended to the student’s individual record, and is immediately available to administration staff and, indeed, to the teacher of the student’s next class.
The benefits of this solution quickly became apparent. Administration staff were able to make good use of the time they saved, support staff no longer needed to ferry paper registers back and forth, and the improved accuracy and availability of registration data made monitoring attendance easier and more accurate.
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